Did you know that Windows 7 support will be coming to an end in just four short months? On January 14, 2020, Microsoft will be ceasing all security updates and support for any computer devices still utilising Windows 7. While you can of course continue to use Windows 7, you must be aware of the fact that once support for this software ends, your PC will find itself becoming more and more vulnerable to security risks.
The Windows 7 installation will continue to operate however the security and feature updates that you’ve been used to will stop effective immediately from January 14. The updates you once regularly received, that provided solutions to any vulnerabilities open to awaiting hackers and virus writers will no longer find their way to your PC. This would leave you essentially wide open to attack.
While we’d all love to continue making use of what we’ve grown to love, change is inevitable and with software applications now only being optimised for more recent operating systems, it’s time to accept that change and move forward.

Do You Need To Update?
Do you know if your software needs updating? Have you found yourself in a Windows 7 rut, awaiting rescue?
While Microsoft have and will continue to send out reminder emails regarding this Windows 7 news, it isn’t always as simple as clicking a button to accept the new software and subsequent updates.
In some cases, it may be almost impossible to tell whether you have out of date software at all, without searching high and low through your desktop devices. That’s where we at Capital can help.

Trust Capital To Keep You Up To Date
Here at Capital, we can help audit your entire IT infrastructure in order to check for any out of date OS/software. With our remote physical audits, carried out via email or software, we can audit every inch of your infrastructure in a way that causes minimal inconvenience to you.
Our unique approach of ‘remote’ physical audits will ensure that all out of date software within your company is identified. Once we’ve identified the OS or software that needs updating, we’ll then provide you with a detailed report explaining every area that’s been identified to give you a clear base from which to move forward.
All of our services are entirely bespoke and will be completed to ensure all software identified as being out of date will be dealt with before the forthcoming Windows 7 deadline.
For more information on Windows 7, what it could mean for you and how our team at Capital can help keep you up to date, fully protected and functional, simply contact us via [email protected]. Our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the Windows 7 deadline and how we can help you identify areas in need of updating before January 14th arrives.