Hardware Asset Management For Schools

  • Physical On-Site Audits
  • Dedicated Teams
  • Save Time & Money
  • Track School Equipment
  • DBS Checked Teams

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    Why Your School Needs Hardware Asset Management?

    Hardware Asset Management (HAM) is an essential function for businesses in the 21st century. Every organisation has some form of IT hardware, even if it’s only a small set of cables, and computers with all their accessories. For schools, this is no different. Every school has a vast estate of IT hardware vital to the required education of its students, and often see students taking IT equipment home. It’s essential to track every piece of hardware, and ensure they are operating at peak performance.

    You’ll always want experts in charge of your IT hardware, and at Capital we have a team of HAM experts who can work efficiently to let you get back on top of your IT estate. Outsourcing this vital task, is the perfect way to ensure you get accurate and comprehensive auditing and maintenance of your IT estate.

    Speak To Us About Hardware Asset Management For Schools

    How Can Your School Benefit From Hardware Asset Management?

    Running Hardware Asset Management can have several benefits for your school, including:

    • Live Database
      Creating a live database that tells you relevant information about your IT assets like its location, end-user, costs, and condition.
    • Reduce Theft
      Minimises loss or theft as you have an understanding who is using your equipment and where it’s located.
    • Connected System
      Allows all school departments to be connected to the same IT inventory system and enables communication among departments.
    • Stop Time Wasting
      Decreases reporting time on IT equipment.
    • Plan Ahead
      Can plan ahead for IT equipment budgeting, as you’ll easily know exactly where every piece of equipment is in the hardware lifecycle.
    • Reduce Costs
      Reduces costs as you can reuse and recycle equipment, and prevents double purchasing any duplicates.

    Speak To Us About School Hardware Asset Management

    How Can Capital Support You

    Capital has a variety of Hardware Asset Management services to support you in getting on top of your IT auditing requirements. Whether it’s ongoing and regularly scheduled audits you need, or a one off, we have a package available. Our National Service Teams can be deployed anywhere in the country, and will work flexibly with you to ensure we work to your schedule.

    We work with a comprehensive auditing service, Audit Aid, to provide you with a live and accurate IT inventory database. Our teams are methodical, and will leave no stone unturned to minimise theft and asset loss, and maximise the HAM lifecycle. You can get back into control of your IT estate and maintain control for the future.

    Contact Capital Now

    Contact Capital now to discuss the Hardware Asset Management needs in your school setting. We have a dedicated team of HAM experts, and will always work flexibly with you to provide a tailored service for your school. We can work with any school, no matter how large or small as every school will have a range of hardware assets. You will be treated professionally at every step of the way, and we can provide ongoing support if you need it. Contact us now for more information.

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