IT Hardware Auditing

  • Full Assessment and Evaluation of Your It Hardware Assets
  • Keep Track of Equipment
  • GDPR Compliance
  • Create Master Asset Registers
  • Scheduled IT Hardware Audits

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    Capital provides comprehensive IT hardware auditing services all over the UK with the support of our nationwide teams. When you work with us, you can be reassured you’ll get a professional and efficient service on your terms. We’ll work flexibly based on your requirements, and treat your job with the utmost importance – no matter how big or small it is. Every company needs regular hardware audits, even if they have a small IT estate.

    What is IT Hardware Auditing?

    IT hardware auditing involves completing a full assessment and evaluation of your IT hardware assets to ensure you know exactly where everything is and who is using it. Part of this process also involves creating a ‘master asset register’ so you have a place where every single piece of IT equipment your business owns is registered, meaning you can easily keep on top of its location.

    It became especially important for companies after the covid pandemic as so many staff members took their equipment home with them in a rushed short space of time. After that it was difficult to track who had what computer, and who took home a keyboard and mouse? The accessories are just as important as the more expensive hardware assets.

    Speak To Us About IT Hardware Auditing

    Why Should Every Company Run Regular IT Hardware Audits?

    Too often in businesses, IT hardware auditing gets left to one person who already has another full-time job. As a result, it can be neglected and forgotten about. However, outsourcing your IT hardware auditing is more cost-effective for any organisation.

    Even though you’ll be spending more by hiring a third-party company like Capital to come and do it for you, you’ll save money by running an analysis and locating every piece hardware your business owns. It’ll prevent theft and stop you from accidentally purchasing equipment you already have sitting in storage.

    That’s not the only way running regular IT hardware audits will benefit your company. We’ve put together a list:

    • Saves Time and Money
      By having a real-time, constantly updated list of your IT hardwares location and end-user, you’ll understand instantly where everything is. No time will be wasted by searching for equipment. There’s also less risk that people will steal equipment, and you won’t double-purchase.
    • Keep Track of Hardware Life Cycle
      Every piece of hardware goes through a life span and should always operate at peak performance. Running regular audits allows you to understand exactly how every piece of equipment is performing, and plan in the budget for purchase and rolling out new hardware.
    • Greater Control over IT Assets
      Completing regular audits means you’ll easily be able to identify who is currently using your hardware, and recognise any misuse.
    • IT Helpdesk
      With a registry of your IT assets, your IT team can run updates and troubleshooting much more efficiently. They’ll be able to identify software and hardware problems faster too.
    • GDPR Compliant
      Running regular IT hardware audits means you’ll have an up-to-date verification of where all your equipment is, and you’ll be able to quickly wipe old data and remove people’s information from computer drives quickly. This is an essential aspect of GDPR and will keep your company getting any fines from accidentally storing old data.
    • Reduced Downtime
      IT hardware auditing also allows you to identify any degrading equipment, and install updates as required. This ensures your hardware assets continue performing as they should and prevents equipment from failing and going offline.

    Completing extensive IT hardware audits regularly is essential to your organisation. It’s not something that should be forgotten and put to the side. Capital can support you in ensuring you have regular IT hardware audits, and will help save your company time and money.

    Speak To Us About IT Hardware Auditing

    How Can Capital Support You

    We can provide excellent IT hardware audits to companies all over the country, from Scotland, through the Midlands, right down to the south of England. Our expert workers have high security clearance, and can access secure environments. We have been working with companies large and small to provide IT hardware auditing services, and know what we’re doing.

    At Capital, we work with our teams to provide comprehensive and thorough IT hardware auditing solutions all over the UK. Our teams undergo strict vetting requirements to ensure you get a professional and efficient service, no matter if you’re working with one of our in-house teams or field technicians.

    Hiring a dedicated team of experts allows you to focus on your daily operations, trusting that the job will be completed efficiently and thoroughly. We also operate from an in-house cloud-based management system, which allows you to get regular updates and see the progress of the job on a real-time basis.

    We work with select partners as part of our physical IT auditing process, providing organisations all over the UK with an accurate and efficient way to manage their entire IT estate. It has a user-friendly interface, which allows you to see an updated list of all your hardware assets while letting you maximise your equipment life cycle and minimising asset loss.

    Contact Capital Now

    With Capital, we are completely open and transparent about our pricing. We understand that every company has their own pain points and business requirements. You also won’t have any hidden fees added on to the end of your bill. When you speak to one of our friendly customer-service staff members, we’ll discuss every aspect of your job and provide a bespoke quote based on your knees.

    When we work any job, we don’t aim to meet expectations; we aim to exceed them. We will always go above and beyond to ensure you receive the best possible service. Our teams will be focused entirely on your job when they are on site, and we pride ourselves on our professionalism and efficiency. Whether it’s a one-off audit or you’ve set up a regular schedule with us, we’ll ensure you’re happy at the end.

    Contact Capital to discuss your IT hardware audit requirements, and find out how we can help get you back in control of your hardware assets.

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