While restrictions have begun to lift and the world is doing its best to return to normal, it’s evident that we’re now looking at a ‘new normal’ and one of those new normals surrounds the way we work.
Some have been excited about returning to the office space however, others have got used to working from the comfort of their own home. Office managers themselves have even seen the benefits of remote working, with lowered overheads and a better morale amongst staff who enjoy the flexibility of working from wherever they are and not having to endure the commute. As a result, hybrid working has become a rather popular way for offices to begin working moving forward? But what does this mean?

What is Hybrid Working?
Generally speaking, hybrid working can be a flexible working arrangement where staff can split their time between home and the office. Hybrid working can also involve half of teams working from home while others take part in a split shift system, sharing office space throughout the week. Ultimately, an entire office team will no longer be within the office Monday to Friday, 9-5, instead, they’ll be utilising a mix of office and remote working.
While there are numerous benefits to hybrid working, this new method of working can also create havoc when it comes to IT estate management. Keeping track of inventories and managing your estate can be a tough task at the best of times, but throw in a hybrid working team with some working from home and subsequently taking company IT devices in and out of the office and it throws a whole new problem into the mix.
The Importance Of IT Auditing
The need to carry out IT hardware audits within any organisation comes from the role that IT plays in any company. From data capture and storage to allowing staff to carry out their roles, whether it’s in the office or at home. For those with weak cyber measures, or quite simply poor auditing, it poses huge risks that when left, could escalate into something more sinister. Throw in the financial losses that can occur when IT assets go missing and it’s easy to see why regular asset management will help.
How Capital Can Help
Here at Capital however, we have an even better service, guaranteed to help you ensure all IT assets are discovered, regardless of whether you have a hybrid working team and whether you have multiple assets in multiple locations, in or out of your own office locations. With the help of our IT Hardware auditing services, we can locate all of your IT equipment and devices, wherever they may be.
Whether they’re within your space or not, we’ll ensure your entire wardrobe of IT devices, including software, are kept track of. What’s more, we’ll tell you where they are and even with whom. From physical on-site audits to remote audits, our asset verification services will keep you informed, saving you time and money and allowing you to focus on the more important things, like running your business.
For more information on our physical onsite and remote asset management services, please don’t hesitate to contact us today on 08000 132 182.