November 26, 2020 [email protected]

Regain Control of Your IT Asset Landscape

It’s fair to say that IT drives innovation across a variety of industries. It plays a vital role in businesses meeting their targets, especially so in modern companies. 

Companies today can invest hundreds of thousands, if not millions in IT assets, from laptops to desktops, mobile devices and software to help them carry out vital tasks to servers and their own data centres.

IT infrastructure is so heavily depended upon and in most cases, so intricately woven into the very fabric of a company. As this dependence only grows year on year, through technological advancements, it allows us to do even more.

With this ever-increasing need for interconnected IT infrastructure, it’s become more necessary than ever before, to implement dedicated IT asset management strategies in order to regain control of a company’s IT asset landscape.

Interested in IT Hardware Audits?

Call: 08000 132 182 

Email: [email protected]

What Is Asset Management?

IT Hardware Asset management is essentially a process or series of business practices that are aimed at maximising the value of your IT equipment within your company.

Whether that’s by ensuring you have each asset within your sights or by ensuring each asset is distributed in an area where it can be used to its full potential; it’s important to have a system in place that ensures you can keep track of all hardware and software.

From hardware to software, here at Capital, we provide asset management services, including remote hardware auditing to ensure you have an extensive knowledge of each and every asset under your company’s ownership. The question is, why do you need asset management?

Why Does Your Business Need Asset Management?

It’s important to remember that with a good asset management system in place, you won’t just enjoy a more efficient day-to-day running of your business, but you’ll also save money too.

The bigger your company gets, the more complex your inventory becomes and keeping track of that inventory can become not only time consuming but down right difficult without the necessary knowledge or equipment.

Not only does this cause huge losses for companies who simply ‘lose’ valuable IT equipment but it also costs each and every year as companies fail to meet their KPI’s, often resulting in £1000’s in fines every month.

Interested in IT Hardware Audits?

Call: 08000 132 182 

Email: [email protected]

How Capital Can Help

Thankfully, here at Capital, we can provide full asset management services, incorporating thorough and extensive auditing to ensure you have records of where every single one of your assets are.

With our hands-on auditing and asset management services, you can regain control of your IT asset landscape and reap the rewards of having that control finally back in your hands.

Whether it’s redistributing equipment to where it will be better used or instead ensuring you’re aware of when assets reach the end of their warranties, to prevent unwanted repair costs for failing equipment; here at Capital we have you covered.

Contact Capital Today

If you’d like help taking control of your IT asset landscape, please don’t hesitate to contact Capital today. We have dedicated teams who can provide you with the necessary asset management services to ensure you’re not just in control, but you’re stirring the ship. 

With our remote auditing services, we can ensure you meet all of your KPI’s, say goodbye to monthly fines, know exactly where all of your assets are at any one time and take control more than you ever have before. Contact us today on 0800 013 2182