The COVID-19 pandemic has been unprecedented to say the least. Considering the modern times in which we live, it’s thrown our world into a spiral of confusion yet despite this, we’ve coped surprisingly well. We’ve adjusted our lives as best we can with a great majority of people now working from home.
While this new attitude to remote working has saved many companies through these, nothing short of, difficult times, it’s also proven to be a critical time for remote auditing.
Take a step back to March and in the space of just hours, thousands upon thousands of devices found themselves being removed from offices and being taken home. This immediately made the vast majority IT inventory lists almost null and void as for the most part, devices left company premises without being tracked or disclosed due to the nature of the pandemic.

Do You Know Where Your IT Hardware Is?
From mobile phones to tablets, laptops and more, our IT devices have allowed companies to continue working as normal but like any new and expanding technology, smart devices have also brought with them inherent risks for organizations and this comes in the form of cost and lost/unauthorised sharing of data with devices being away from their registered location. To meet this risk head-on however, remote IT hardware auditing can help.
Here at Capital, we provide independent IT asset management that allows us not only to seek out your smart devices but give you accurate locations of where said devices are and who with.
The Ultimate IT Asset Management Solutions
With our equipment and software, we’ll first begin by carrying out a full IT inventory. This inventory will tell us the equipment your company owns and what we need to track. Then, using our own equipment and software, we’ll locate each individual device and give you their registered location along with their actual location.
Not only does our IT asset management tool save you money by preventing loss of IT equipment, but it can also help you by locating IT devices that you may have forgotten about entirely.

Our IT asset tracking is there to make your life as easy as possible. Whether you’re looking to do this before your staff return to make sure a restart of in-house work goes as smoothly as possible or to help you transition into a more permanent work from home status, our IT asset tracking could be the best addition to your usual auditing schedule.
Contact Us Today
If you’d like more information on our Asset Management for your IT devices, please don’t hesitate to contact us today on 0800 0132182. We can quickly and accurately report on asset inventory and show you where every single one of your devices is. What’s more, we’ll be able to give you all details from model number to last updates, name of admins and even IP addresses. Here at Capital, we have your IT asset management covered.