We’ve all heard of the term ‘killing two birds with one stone’. At the very core, this commonly used saying refers to achieving two aims at once and in business, this kind of efficiency makes good sense.
Here at Capital, we have one such way to achieve further efficiency within the running of your company and that’s through the doubling up of services, especially services that complement each other so well. Our main services incorporate technical cleaning and IT hardware auditing.
While many may see these as completely different areas, here at Capital we see two services that complement each other immensely. It’s for this reason that we now offer comms and computer room cleaning that incorporates auditing and surveying at the same time.

Why Having Both Can Benefit You
We understand that some may see a benefit in focusing on one task at any one time. We also, however, understand the huge implications simply carrying out comms room and computer room cleaning can have on a business. While we try to be as flexible as we possibly can, it’s not always possible to carry out such a huge service with zero effect on your workforce.
We will always do whatever we can to minimise this however it’s simply common sense to assume that some disruption may occur, especially when you have a dedicated team working on some of the most vital assets (staff aside) within your company.
By utilising our inventory and surveying teams at the same time however, you aren’t just ensuring necessary technical cleaning is carried out, you’re also ensuring a critical audit is being carried out at the same time. Not only will this provide you with more efficiency as we ensure two very important services are completed at once but it also minimises disruption as you no longer need two separate bookings on two separate occasions for both services to be carried out thoroughly.
Meet Your KPIs & Stay On Top
From ensuring you know where hardware and software is to meet your KPI’s and avoid service credit fines to ensuring you stay on top of your equipment, keeping it clean and logged; our comms room, computer room and auditing and surveying services can be combined to provide you with an all-round, thorough and hugely beneficial service.

An Well-Rounded Service
With this more inclusive service, you not only gain a clean comms or computer room with a full audit, but you also gain access to an expert team who’ll ensure you’re making the most out of the equipment you have and more importantly, where you have it.
For example, do you have equipment that’s redundant or perhaps not being used to it’s full advantage? Our team can advise you where it may be better placed? Where the equipment may serve you better with regards to a different department in your company or perhaps even in some cases, whether it would serve you better to sell off unused equipment.
On top of this, our audit team could also provide you with pictures of your room and furniture contained within it as well as images of what’s contained on every single shelf, within every cabinet, in order to allow those tasked with upkeep of the room to know where everything is without having to carry out inventories of their own.
Contact Capital Today
If you’d like more information on our comms room and computer room cleaning services, and how we can incorporate auditing and surveying services for a more cost-effective and efficient process, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. Call 0800 013 2182. Consider Capital your technical cleaning and auditing partner who’ll help you ‘kill two birds with one stone’.