April 8, 2014 [email protected]

Meet the Team: Alex in Scotland – IT Cleaning Service Specialist

IT Cleaning Service Scotland Computer Cleaning

Meet our team: Alex from Scotland

Home town: Airdrie

Favourite place in Scotland: The Highlands because of their sheer beauty and magic.

Football team: One of the Glasgow teams 🙂

Favourite food: I love traditional food. I enjoy hearty food. I do like Indian and Chinese food as well.

Favourite music: I like my rock and heavy metal. I’ve been to many festivals. T in the Park is one of my favourite festivals.

Favourite thing about working for Capital: My favourite thing about working for Capital is the travelling and getting to meet new people. I’m very lucky as I get to travel all over Scotland and Northern England. I’ve also been sent to Ireland to complete jobs. Because of where I get to travel, I am constantly meeting new people. Read on see where Alex has worked.

Hobbies: I am a keen photographer. I take my camera everywhere with me. Hope you share some of my photos on your blog.


Alex covers computer cleaning, data centre cleaning and hardware auditing in Scotland. Depending on the size of the task Alex can work by himself or with his team, covering all of our professional IT cleaning services. Alex also works on comms/server rooms around Scotland. Along with data centre cleaning & keyboard cleaning, Alex also conducts IT hardware/inventory auditing.


Capital cover all corners of Scotland, from Edinburgh to the Hebrides and Highlands. If you want IT cleaning in the Isle of Skye, we’ll be more than happy to help you. Alex is our most experienced team member when it comes to Scotland. He’s covered all the main locations, including  Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee, Perth, Stirling, Inverness & Melrose.


Clients Alex has recently worked for include the main justice courts in Edinburgh, Galway University, Sainsburys, Greggs and the railway bridge in Edinburgh. As you can see Alex covers much of Northern UK. Below are some photo taken by Alex.

Edinburgh Railway Bridge

Photo taken by Alex: Edinburgh Railway Bridge


Data Centre Cleaning Scotland

Photo taken by Alex: Data centre cleaning in Scotland


Belfast Computer Cleaning

Photo taken by Alex – A visit to Belfast


Galway University - Computer Cleaning

Photo taken by Alex – During a visit to clean Galway University (Ireland)

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