February 15, 2023 [email protected]

IT Support Company

Services to Support IT Companies

Professional IT companies can find it beneficial to outsource their hardware and software asset management to third party experts, helping them to manage a broad range of clients in providing a comprehensive asset management package. Capital can provide support at every step of the asset management process, from helping purchasing equipment right through to assisting with the disposal of retired equipment.

It doesn’t matter where you are in the UK, our service teams can travel across the country to provide comprehensive IT auditing and asset management services. We can create a tailored plan for every company we work with, ensuring all their needs and requirements are met. These services are especially important in a post-covid landscape where hybrid and remote working patterns have become the norm. We’ll help companies get back control over their IT estate and save both time and money in IT estate management.

Professional IT Support in Hardware and Software Asset Management

At Capital, we understand how complicated managing multiple IT estates can be and we’re here to make it easier. Using Audit Aid we can create a live database of hardware assets and run software asset management to ensure businesses have all the licences they need for the software they’re using. The database means companies can easily identify exactly where all their equipment is and who the end-user is, meaning nothing will go missing or get stolen. It’s a user-friendly system that is simple to use, giving every company greater control over their IT estate.

Regular hardware and software asset management is necessary to make IT support’s job easier too, as troubleshooting issues is much simpler when there’s a master database to work from. It also reduces downtime and keeps businesses GDPR compliant.

Audit Aid is a cost-effective and efficient tool for managing IT estates, no matter how large or small. At Capital we can provide physical IT auditing services all over the country.

Capital Has You Covered

Our teams are experts in IT management, and hiring us to come and complete these jobs can be a cost-effective method of managing IT infrastructure. We know what we’re doing, so we can complete every job methodically and efficiently, in less time, meaning you can focus on your core responsibilities.

Using our services will keep your equipment functioning at peak performance, reducing downtime and lengthening the lifespan of IT hardware meaning you’re getting more value for money from your IT assets. As part of our asset management services, we can promise an efficient and accurate recording of your IT estate, making it easier to maintain. It can prevent companies from making duplicate purchases, ensure all software is being used legally and prevent any costly fines getting applied.

A Flexible and Tailored Service

All our team members are trained and have high security clearance, meaning they can work in secure environments like airports. We’ll work around the schedule of your clients, ensuring that our teams cause as little disruption while they complete the job. We can create a bespoke plan based on your requirements, which could encompass both hardware and software asset management, IT auditing and reporting services, or a mix of them all. Our teams work methodically and efficiently to ensure the job is completed and use a cloud reporting system, giving you access to see each part of the job as it gets signed off. You can also have a staff member on-site to sign off each section.

Affordable Options and Additional Services

When you speak to us, we’ll give you a quote based on the services you need. Our teams also work with PAT testing partners to ensure all IT equipment is safe to use. We can also set up equipment installations or decommissions. These jobs can be carried out in tandem with our reporting and auditing services, giving companies extra reassurance that their equipment is safe. We can also get involved in the rollout of new equipment, ensuring everything is set up correctly for staff to use causing no disruption to daily operations.

Contact Capital Today

We don’t aim to meet your expectations; we aim to exceed them with our friendly and professional service. You’ll always be treated with respect from start to finish, and will work methodically to ensure there are minimal disruptions to the businesses daily operations while we work. Our teams would be delighted to chat to you about your needs, and come up with a tailored plan to ensure all your requirements are taken care of.

Our National Service Teams can work anywhere in the UK, so contact us now for a no obligation chat about how we can help.