As capitalism has evolved, much of the world’s factory work has moved East-wards, as a result the West has seen the rise of global brands that require vast warehouses and distribution centres. These giant spaces are run twenty four hours a day to near logistically perfection. That means failure is not an option as it could end up costing millions, hence the need for maintenance and cleaning services.
This trend has been bought about by cheap labour in the East and the increase of online consumerism in the west. Consumerisms reliance for online shopping has meant state-of-the-art technology is beginning to replace humans in order to provide an efficient service. This has resulted in a growth of warehouses and distribution services running on technical equipment. So let us explain how companies like Capital help such large organisations.

Flickr – Dematic_anz
Before we delve into the cleaning and services they require we need to establish what the different between a warehouse and distribution centre is, if any at all. As you can see from the definitions that a distribution centre is a type of warehouse used to hold and redistribute goods and products. In most cases this will be technical area with specialised equipment and processes. Examples of this could include Royal Mail depots, Amazon distribution centres and supermarket depots.
Google definition of a warehouse:
Large building where raw materials or manufactured goods may be stored prior to their distribution for sale.
Google definition distribution Centre:
A distribution centre… is a warehouse or other specialized building, often with refrigeration or air conditioning, which is stocked with products (goods) to be redistributed to retailers, to wholesalers, or directly to consumers.

Flickr – Dematic_anz
Warehouse and Distribution Centre Cleaning & Services
IT cleaning
– With the rise of technology in warehouses it means IT equipment needs to be cleaned. Everything from picking machines to server rooms need to be cleaned. Computers and mobile devices need regular cleaning due to heavy use in an industrial environment. Capital is able to provide such a service by combining its two core services of computer cleaning and data centre cleaning.
Deep cleaning (machine and part cleaning)
– Some warehouses have huge fan systems which need cleaning to run smoothly. This is where deep cleaning comes into play, cleaning machines and parts.
Floor cleaning
– Busy warehouses mean the floors are constantly worn, full of muck and dust. Floor cleaning is essential for safe and healthy working conditions. Liquid substances can be hazardous and potentially dangerous. Much of Capitals technical room cleaning involves the cleaning of floors and we understand how a clean floors make a huge difference.

Flickr – Andrew Ingredients
Window cleaning
– Window cleaning is an essential requirement for all large building and is a basic regardless of whether building is a warehouse.
Builders clean
– Small sections of warehouses are rebuilt and structures can be moved around, meaning that in some cases a builders clean is required to clear up the aftermath.
Auditing (IT Hardware)
– All those items in the warehouse need to be accounted for. Items can go missing, stop functioning, be stolen or simply need updating. An end result of hardware auditing can result in greater efficiency. We’ve covered everything in our, ‘what is hardware auditing?’ blog post.

Flickr – Dematic_anz
– Security at all levels need to be covered. Building surveillance, security staff, employee security and security technology needs to be taken into account when safeguarding company assets. Many of these services can be provided by a number of organisations.
Vehicle maintenance
– For someone like DHL they rely heavily on vehicles to provide their service and it is vital they maintain the functionality of all the vehicles and protect their assets. Having an on-site mechanic can save a lot of hassle.
Recycling and waste disposal
– Supermarket distribution centre may have food waste to dispose of in addition to all the plastic and cardboard that is accumulated.
Other services
– Depending on the warehouse, services can vary hence the reason why we’ve simply mentioned the most common services.
As you can see a distribution warehouse is a small world of its own, which requires a vast number of services to keep it fully functioning. Capital is crucial in providing such services to the warehouse and distribution sectors.
Contact Our Team Today
Find out how our solutions can benefit your warehouse and distribution process. We can provide you with a free no-obligations quote on 0800 013 2182 or alternatively you can fill out our regional quote form on the main page.
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