October 27, 2014 [email protected]

Infograph: How safe is your office or workplace?

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At Capital we repeatedly emphasise the importance of sanitising the workplace with computer cleaning, and this infograph is yet more proof of the unseen dangers at work. BestChoiceReviews.org has constructed this great infograph highlighting these dangers. Despite the great tips, the real solution is to book a computer clean and kill 99.9 of germs. How does your office fair when looking through the infograph?

Let us know what you want cleaning and get a free no-obligation quote now. Call 0800 013 2182 or request a online here.

Before & After Photo: Telephone Cleaning
7 Common Ways Germs Are Spread
How Many Dirty Keyboards Produce This Much Dirt?
34 Everyday Things You Need To Be Cleaning Regularly
Dirty Keyboards and Smartphones Contain More Germs Than Toilet Seats
10 Reasons Why IT Cleaning Is Better Than Office Cleaning
Who Has Flu In Your Office?
7 Tips: How To Keep A Clean And Germ Free Office

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