IT Hardware Auditing United Kingdom

Worldwide FM Company

“Here at Capital, we were asked by a world wide Facility Management Company to carry out an audit on their technical and hardware equipment across a clients UK wide estate. The reason for this need? Like many facilities management companies, our client was restricted by certain KPI indicators.”

Overview of Service

KPIs, otherwise known as key performance indicators, are critical indicators of progress towards a particular goal. The KPI in particular here, as with many FM companies, was to know where the equipment was that they were managing for their client. While a great deal of FM companies use discovery tools for this particular job, they aren’t always accurate for the simple fact that if a device is new to a network, not placed on a network or simply switched off, it can’t be found.

If an FM company were not to reach their desired target for that particular KPI, there is a good possibility that they could be penalised by their client. This penalty is classed as a service credit and for just a 0.1% drop below their contracted target could mean as much as thousands of pounds in fines. 

For example, a target of 80% may be set with a charge of £10,000 for every 1% a company finds itself below that target. Imagine a company finding themselves at a measly 60% accuracy (not uncommon) – the fines per calendar month could become astronomical.

Hardware Auditing To Help Reach Their KPIs

Thankfully, at Capital, we’re here to help and with our client in particular, we were able to drastically change their current situation.

With our regular physical IT hardware auditing and remote hardware auditing service, we were able to locate a huge amount of their technical devices across the estate that had until then been missed.

With our IT auditing services, we were not only able to find devices that they previously weren’t able to locate, but we were also able to recognise areas such as double purchasing. Double purchasing may occur when a previous employee leaves, a request is placed for a new device and additional software such as Sage, as an example, however their user access may never get cancelled yet new Sage user access will be purchased once again for the new employee – this is known as double purchasing.

By recognising these areas, locating hardware devices and reducing double purchasing within internal software, we were able to eliminate the £10’000s of fines each and every month. In fact our client didn’t lose a single service credit for over 15 months thanks to our auditing services – quite the opposite in fact as they actually gained serviced credits instead. 

Capital – Well Worth The Investment

While our IT hardware auditing services were an expenditure, you can see from the £10’000s saved each and every month that they were actually well worth the investment. What’s more, we can do exactly the same for you too.

For more information on our auditing services and how we can help you reach your KPI goals, avoiding thousands in fines, please don’t hesitate to contact us today on 0800 013 2182.

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