Computer Cleaning Service

Protecting Staff In The Workplace

“It makes a huge difference to have our PCs and telephones cleaned on a regular basis. I’m sure that we would have a far greater number of problems associated with keyboard and keypad failures if we didn’t. Apart from keeping the office looking presentable, the computer cleaning service is a form of preventative maintenance and one which is very cost-effective. Capital’s members of staff take their work seriously and always go about it in a highly professional manner.”

The Problem

“Protecting staff against illness and maintaining health & safety standards. Use of hot-desking has increased the chances of viruses spreading faster. Additionally the cleaning needs to extend the lifespan of equipment.”


  • Cleaning 32 offices across the country Up to 2000 computers, including training rooms Logistical planning of scheduled cleans throughout the year


  • Obtain as much access time/information in order to plan the computer cleaning service and have a contingency plan
  • Use the same cleaners to provide a consistent clean across the 32 sites
  • Delivering a split service so training rooms are cleaned more regularly due to multiple users using hardware

Contact Us

We welcome you to contact us for more information
about any of our products or services.